We talked with Vince Van Oostenbrugge, CCP, Vice President of Commissioning for Bernhard and a new member of the BCxA International Board of Directors, Co-Chair of the BCxA Membership Committee, Past-President of the SW Chapter and asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better!What life experience(s) caused you to want to be an engineer, operator, technician, or another building-related career? 
My original path was in the maritime as an engineer aboard ocean-going vessels.  Here I cut my teeth with steam and machinery typical of large ships. Once the novelty wore off of being gone for eight months a year, I came ashore and worked in an industrial/commercial setting, eventually connecting with the Grumman/Butkus crew in Milwaukee.
When and why in your career did you first engage with commissioning? 
In my time ashore working in the commercial sector, I always strived to ensure building systems were maintained and operating at their best. However, it wasn't until I joined GB/A and was introduced to Jeff Conner did I fully become immersed in the commissioning aspect of buildings. Using the knowledge gained from life aboard ships to buildings was translatable for operations and the necessity to ensure systems worked.
What challenges did you face coming into your profession?  How have those challenges changed over time? 
Coming into the building world via a non-traditional path, i.e., Marine vs. Mechanical engineering was a challenge. The perceived notion was that the knowledge wasn't there. Once explained that in fact most marine degrees require a hands-on approach it eased some of the misconceptions.

What drives/motivates you every day? 
Cliché, but to help make the world a better place for my daughter.
Describe the proudest moment in your career.  
Hard one to narrow down, but every time an owner thanks us for being involved in their project.
When hiring, how do you evaluate entry-level candidates?    
Their character and passion for both their professional and personal life. Process and operation can be taught! Their personal character is tougher to mentor.
What advice do you have for newcomers considering entering the building-related field?  
Look for answers, ask questions, take the initiative to understand how a system works, keep looking forward and asking how can I make a difference to make this better.
What is on your professional agenda that you want to accomplish? 
Build out a well-rounded Cx Team that can tackle whole building commissioning, whether in-house or use partners.
How do you think the field of commissioning might change as a result of the current pandemic? 
Technology in one word. I think the continued use of FDD platforms, and how we approach energy usage, will shape how we test. It goes beyond the SOO and into optimization.
What’s one thing no one knows about you? 
Ah, then it would never remain anonymous…there are things that one should never divulge 😊